

老鹰客场对阵黄蜂。 最终,老鹰队以125-106击败黄蜂队。

本场比赛,杨得到31分1篮板9助攻1抢断,博格达诺维奇得到28分9篮板1抢断,格里芬得到13分2篮板2助攻。 黄蜂这边,鲍尔贡献27分2篮板3助攻1抢断1盖帽。 乌布雷得到16分6篮板1助攻1盖帽。 理查兹得到13分11篮板1助攻2盖帽。


首节开始,第5分54秒,迈克-丹尼尔斯手滑失误,被杨抢断。 第7分5秒,杨喂球,格里芬跳投得手。 第10分45秒,理查兹投篮时卡明斯基犯规,送给黄蜂2次罚球机会。 老鹰打出流畅配合,全队本节共完成8次助攻,其中杨一人就为队友送出4次传球。 老鹰本节投进11记三分球,投篮命中率45.5%。 老鹰本节手感不错,全队命中率高达61.9%,比黄蜂的33.3%还要好。 其中,杨本节仅得到14分。 首节战罢,比分38-24,老鹰领先14分。

次节回来,第2分11秒,霍勒迪投篮时乌布雷犯规,送给老鹰队一次罚球机会。 第3分34秒,乌布雷手滑丢球,被博格丹诺维奇抢断。 第7分29秒,博格达诺维奇接杨传球三分远投得手。 黄蜂队打得流畅,本节全队共完成8次助攻,其中罗齐尔一人就为队友送出3次传球。 本节黄蜂队全队出手13记三分球,命中率53.8%。 老鹰多次冲击篮筐,获得10次罚球机会,罚中9球,罚球命中率高达90%。 老鹰本节手感还不错,全队命中率63.2%,比黄蜂的50%还要好。 其中,博格达诺维奇本节仅得到8分。 半场结束,本节比分定格在75-59,老鹰队暂时领先。

第四节,第1分55秒,格里芬接卡明斯基传球,三分远投得手。 第4分15秒,迈克-丹尼尔斯投篮时对博格达诺维奇犯规,送给老鹰队3次罚球机会。 第5分1秒,鲍尔传球失误,被卡明斯基抢断。 全场比赛结束,老鹰队以125-106击败黄蜂队锁定胜局。






北京时间,据相关媒体报道,芝加哥公牛队近期传出不少交易传闻,涉及德马尔-德罗赞和尼古拉-武切维奇。 其中,洛杉矶湖人也有意与他们谈交易,但提供的筹码并不被公牛看好。


湖人卖掉威少已经不是一天两天了,但在四处交易的过程中,他们手里最值钱的其实是2027年和2029年的首轮选秀权,威少的交易价值并不明显,因为他 高合同。


神预言! 法国总统猜对了比分和进球者

世界杯1/8决赛,法国队3-1淘汰波兰晋级。 值得一提的是,赛前法国总统马克龙预测比分是3比1,而在球队晋级之后,他也在社交网站发文表示祝贺。

赛前,马克龙预测法国队将以3-1击败波兰队。 此外,他预测莱万多夫斯基、姆巴佩和吉鲁也有可能进球。 进球,都想载入史册!”

比赛中,正是这三名球员取得了进球,姆巴佩梅开二度。 吉鲁为法国首开记录,莱万多夫斯基罚进点球。




世界杯小组赛最后一轮,阿根廷2-0战胜波兰,小组第一出线。 他们将在1/8决赛中面对澳大利亚。







北京时间,据相关媒体报道,洛杉矶湖人队将与圣安东尼奥马刺队进行一场对决。 比赛开始前,湖人队更新了伤病名单。 斯卡拉诺-安德森会回来的。


不过湖人队主帅达尔文-哈姆在赛前接受采访时,在被问及詹姆斯的情况时,他表示还是有可能上场的。 只有在赛前热身结束后,才能确定詹姆斯今天是否上场。 在游戏中玩。












欧联杯-蒂尔尼久违进球 阿森纳夺冠

北京时间,2022/23赛季欧联杯A组比赛打响。 阿森纳主场1-0战胜苏黎世。 球。 阿森纳小组头名。

阿森纳轮换了7人,只有热苏斯、加布里埃尔、怀特和拉姆斯代尔继续上场。 第17分钟,比埃拉禁区边缘射门被挡,蒂尔尼禁区左侧抽射入网。 这是他10个多月以来为阿森纳打进的第一个进球。

阿森纳(4-3-3):1-拉姆斯代尔; 4-怀特(73’,18-傅安建洋)(88’,17-塞德里克),16-霍尔德,6-加布里埃尔,3-蒂尔尼; 21-维埃拉(73’,8-埃尔德高),25-埃尔内尼(63’,5-帕蒂),23-洛孔加; 24-尼尔森,9-热苏斯(63’,7-萨卡),14-恩凯蒂亚




在欧冠“死亡之组”中,国米表现不俗。 5轮战罢,他们3胜1平1负,积10分排名小组第二。





本轮英超,曼城凭借德布劳内的世界任意球1-0战胜莱斯特城。 赛后德布劳内获得英超官方和曼城最佳。

不过,本场比赛曼城门将埃德森的表现也非常出色。 他完成了 5 次扑救。 赛后,评分网站给出了8.0分的高分,仅次于德布劳内的8.1分。

这是埃德森三年来首次在英超联赛中至少有 5 次扑救。 上一次是2019年10月26日对阵阿斯顿维拉,埃德森在那场比赛中也完成了5次扑救,最终曼城3-0完胜对手。


Is Operate By Scam Artists? Read This Assessment & Decide For Yourself

Website Details:


  • 20 credits costs €12.
  • 60 credit costs €33.
  • 120 credits costs €60.
  • 250 credit costs €112.
  • 350 credits expenses €140.
  • 500 credit prices €199.
  • 750 credits prices €299.


  • My emails: The My personal Letters part of the site explains email messages from other people in the website. You’ll want to acquire credits to answer any emails you will get during the My personal Letters part.
  • My loves: The My personal Likes page explains which females have actually enjoyed the profile plus which users you have enjoyed.
  • My personal Invites: The My Invites portion of the web site demonstrates to you chat invites from female people.
  • My Favorites The Favorites part demonstrates to you which women that have put into your own favorites listing.
  • Credit: The Credits section lets you purchase credit so you can correspond with users on the internet site, to learn or send letters as well as get the contact details of female members.

Overview is another some of those is yet another one of those Russian / Ukrainian online millionaire singles dating sites that claims and enables you to genuinely believe that you’ll find Russian and Ukrainian women who it is possible to marry, bring back into United States and reside gladly previously after. We’ve examined many of these so-called Russian bride web sites causing all of these to go out currently just scams always sway and fool you into buying credit. Is it exactly what GoDateNow is all about, or is this a genuine Russian mail-order bride site? Should you want to know the fact in what’s going on all you have to perform is actually continue reading. We went undercover observe that was really going on with this specific internet site. We desired to know if we could in fact communicate and locate legitimate Russians and Ukrainians which were ready to meet american guys for really love, romance and marriage. Everything has become documented and you can look at the complete research below.

Learn Exactly Why Obtaining 135 Email Messages From Russian & Ukraine Women Shows This Incredible Website Is Actually A Fraud

In the event that you go through the screenshot below circled in purple you will see that we received 135 “letters”. A “letter” is nothing over an expression utilized by the website for email emails you get. Unfortuitously from our investigation we have arrive at in conclusion that every 135 email messages are not just fictitious nonetheless want us to cover to respond to the phony emails we obtained.

Most guys which join GoDateNow are completely unaware as to what’s happening behind the curtain. If the majority of men had gotten 135 various email messages they might be jumping along with happiness. We on the other hand know what’s really happening here. We have been contained in this online game for several years exposing dating site frauds. For people observe that Go Date Now is trying to pull an easy one on you is very easy. To start with you should think about just why is it that women on are the ones pursuing the guys? Why did 135 various girls email united states? In regular culture it is the man that follow the ladies but about matchmaking solution for a few remarkable explanation it’s the other way around. Exist no males in Russia as well as the Ukraine?  Would be the women in those 2 nations thus eager that they’ll email any guy or perhaps is truth be told there some thing even more sinister taking place here?  Do not believe for a single min that a 135 different ladies delivered you electronic mails, we realize for a fact that its all con.

(Screen try of 135 e-mails sent to all of us.)

Why do we think its a fraud? You’ll see the data we have now provided of 3 screenshots of 3 different women who sent you email messages. Take an in depth see them and have yourself exactly why would such beautiful ladies email some haphazard man on These women appear like types. These are typically quickly a 9 away from 10. We all know the real truth about why we’re acquiring bombarded with communications. The primary reason we are acquiring these letters is simply because it will cost you united states to answer any emails we received.It costs us 7 credit to deliver a letter with this web site. To answer just one e-mail message it’ll cost you us about € 4 euros (7 credits). Just remember that , we was given 135 different email messages! To answer each and every email will definitely cost you € 540 euros! Are you currently beginning to understand why this amazing site is actually sending individuals electronic mails? It’s an extremely fancy con job used to misguide and rip-off lonely american by creating all of them think that they are acquiring email emails from stunning Russian and Ukrainian females. The women just who emailed us are essentially versions, why on earth would they need to join a webpage similar to this someone to satisfy any guy?! It really is ludicrous. All this is a scheme to swindle american guys who are pursuing long-lasting interactions and matrimony with women in the Ukraine and Russia.

For record everything we believe is being conducted would be that is utilizing innovative computer programs products called bots (). These bot products are created to send folks phony automated electronic mails appear like they have been sent from females to their dating site. On top of that we additionally believe they can be making use of compensated staff or third party technicians to send people electronic mails. This is certainly a common technique amongst fictitious phony Russian bride websites. How else could you give an explanation for 135 email messages we got? It generates no good sense and soon you realize that bots are usually responsible for giving all of us the email messages.

(Do you really think this feminine sent united states emails planning to get to know all of us better?)

( exactly why would Alina email united states? She appears like a model.)

(this can be screenshot of a girl named Lubov who emailed all of us. Unfortunately do not genuinely believe that she delivered all of us an email message we think it’s all artificial.)

Phony Chat Invitations Used To Con Visitors Towards Purchasing Loans

We got a screenshot associated with the talk invites that people was given. To be able to chat with anybody about internet site you ought to buy credit. Which are the possibilities these tend to be actual Russian women that are looking in order to satisfy you? We believe these “invitations” are completely phony using computerized pc software bots to swindle people into purchasing credit so that the website owners can make money from the lack of knowledge.

(Screenshot in the phony talk invites.)

Why Would 135 Women Email Someone Who Has A Clear Profile?

You can have a look at the screenshot that we provided as proof. This can be a screenshot your unused profile web page. We have now never uploaded any photographs to the profile and then we’ve only done 15percent of one’s profile. Essentially all of our profile is actually blank so just why subsequently performed 135 various Russian and Ukrainian ladies decide to email you. Are ladies truly that eager in Russia additionally the Ukraine that they would only e-mail any man having no picture within his profile no details offered?

Once we’ve mentioned previously we believe computer spiders and settled employees are behind this entire program to control all of us into purchasing loans to e-mail these make believe ladies straight back.

(Screen chance of your profile. )

Do you really believe These Ladies Are Legitimate People In

We have found much more proof that actually makes you concern the legitimacy and authenticity of GoDateNow. We have incorporated a screenshot on the on the web members gallery of the website. Even as we’ve already mentioned we think all these pictures tend to be models. We think these models are now being paid to utilize their pictures to create artificial users on the site. It is past absurd that each and every single lady on GoDateNow appears to be a supermodel. It generates zero sense and soon you realize all this is actually a deception.

( this will be a screenshot with the members gallery, you may not genuinely believe that these ladies want to join Go Date today in order to satisfy males?)

Actual Using The Internet Recommendations From Angry Members

Below we have included screenshots from real users which are enraged and disgruntled at just how this web site runs. We discovered these product reviews while searching on the internet for our own research.

 One review from one known as Steve states that “a lot of females on use pre-recorded videos”. One of many options on the site allows you to carry on webcam with ladies but Steve informs us that “they’re maybe not alive videos they’ve been pre-recorded” while have to spend to see these women on webcam though it’s not stay. When you look at the analysis Steve mentions that “many women make use of pre-recorded films for chats, it is clear to see that they’re pre-recorded”.

(Screenshot review from member Steve.)

This can be another review from a man known as David Thompson. He phone calls it the worst online dating service. The guy promises that “ expenditures member reports from other web sites and companies”. He in addition states that “these dating profiles are false, the user’s rest plus they also demand gifts away from you like iPhones to be able to satisfy all of them”. David continues to mention that “you will pay a ton of money for nothing”.

(Screenshot review from user David.)

William states that “this site is a total scam”. He states that “the website is basically establish and so the ladies have a cut from the money you may spend to write or talk to all of them. If you want a fantasy and by all methods invest funds right here however, if you desire a genuine females to obtain and date as well as get married you may not find it here”. He then says which he “invested committed and cash to get to know a few ladies but not only ended up being their own email address inaccurate” but the guy in addition visited Kiev (biggest city inside the Ukraine) in which he discovered that “these girls just failed to occur”. William practically travelled on the Ukraine to meet up many of these had been in-person in addition they never ever also existed, let that sink in for a minute!

(Screenshot review from user William.)

Another analysis from one also known as Rob Joseph states that “ and another web site known as tend to be exactly the same site and they are both cons”. He provided a-1 out-of 5 status and claims that “both websites use the exact same female users though they claim web sites commonly connected with each other”.

(Screenshot overview from member Rob.)

The Stipulations The Best Place To Get The Truth

In the terms and conditions web page utilizing really convoluted terminology and language the website confesses they have “partners” that are in addition to the internet site that from whatever they reveal could be phony. Look for the section below that’s hard to appreciate (deliberately we would add). This part describes that the internet site understands that you’ll find make believe pages on the website controlled by their alleged “independent partners”. Practical question you should consider is excatly why is a dating web site utilizing pages from anybody? You’d believe that all the dating users have been developed by men or women rather than by 3rd party agents etc.. You’ll go to section #11 in the site or take a look at paragrapghs below.

Hosting Host Information:

  • Address Of Host: 665 Third Street #207, San Francisco, CA, 94107, United States
  • IP Address Of Server:
  • Identify Servers:,

Contact Information:

  • Telephone: 
  • Mailing Address: Sono RC LP, 272 Bath Street, Glasgow, Scotland, G2 4JR
  • E-mail: [email safeguarded]
  • Page:

Concluding Decision:

It is possible to make your own decision. We’re right here simply to mention the reality and allow you to determine what you should do. It isn’t rocket science observe what exactly is really happening right here. It’s not only all of our opinion but when you’ve seen we have now integrated critiques off their unsatisfied members of the web site in their terms.

Look For Females

Should you want to search for genuine women, next check these genuine internet dating websites.

File A Report

  • Contact the greater Business Bureau and lodge a criticism if you feel that you have been scammed or scammed.